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5 Proven Methods for Selling Stocks:-

  Choosing when to sell a stock can be a difficult task. For most traders, it is hard to separate their emotions from their trades, and the two human emotions that influence traders when they are considering selling a stock are greed and fear. Traders are afraid of losing or not maximizing profit potential. However, the ability to manage these emotions is the key to becoming a successful trader. For example, many investors don't sell when a stock has risen 10% to 20% because they don't want to miss out on more returns if it shoots to the moon. This results from greed and a desire that the stock they picked will become an even bigger winner. On the flip side, if the stock price falls by 10% to 20%, a good majority of investors still won't sell because of their reluctance to realize a loss in the event that the stock rebounds significantly. There is the additional fear that they might regret their actions if the stock rebounds. So, when should you sell your stock? This is a f

How to Analyze Share Market Performance:-

Investing in stocks can be rewarding when you research the issuing companies thoroughly. Gone are the days when information was inaccessible. With the advent of the internet, you have all the information you need about a company, like its revenue stream, products, financials, and other data, at your fingertips. Using this, you can analyse the desired stock in detail to assess whether it is a viable investment or not. In this article, we will read about the types of stock analysis and understand how to analyse stocks using crucial pointers. Types of stock analysis:- 1. Fundamental analysis:- This type of stock analysis evaluates the underlying company’s fundamentals – business segments, financials, management, past performance, peers, and so on. The fundamental analysis places importance on the stock’s intrinsic value and sectoral and broader economic conditions. Under the financials, a fundamental analyst looks at financial ratios and financial statements such as the profit and loss st

Maximize Your Returns in the Online Stock Market Tips and Strategies for Investors:-

  Although investing in the stock market is a great way to create long-term wealth, it can be hazardous and unpredictable. So, does that mean that you should stay away from investing in it? Certainly not. While the risky and unpredictable nature of the stock market  cannot be changed, what you can do, however, is use stock investing strategies to maximize your returns and lower the risk. Wondering how to do that? Here are some tips and advice that you can follow. Tips to Invest In the Stock Market:- Whether you’re a beginner investor or a seasoned one, these tips mentioned below should be of immense help when it comes to maximizing your returns in the stock market .  1. Determination of Entry And Exit Points Using Technical Analysis:- Entry and exit points matter a lot when investing in the stock market. Unfortunately, entering or exiting a stock at the wrong time can lead to severe losses or, at the very least, less-than-ideal returns. Fortunately, there is a way through which you can

How To Make Money In Stocks:-

  Ask any financial expert, and you’ll hear stocks are one of the keys to building long-term wealth. But the tricky thing with stocks is that while over years they can grow in value exponentially, their day-to-day movement is impossible to predict with total accuracy. Which begs the question: How can you make money in stocks? Featured Partner:- 1 BlackBull Markets Multiple Award-Winning Broker Listed On Deloitte Fast 50 index, 2022 Best Global FX Broker - ForexExpo Dubai October 2022 & more Best-In-Class for Offering of Investments Trade 26,000+ assets with no minimum deposit Customer Support 24/7 dedicated support & easy to sign up Sign Up Now On BlackBull Market's secure website Actually, it isn’t hard, so long as you adhere to some proven practices―and practice patience. 1. Buy and Hold:- There’s a common saying among long-term investors: “Time in the market beats timing the market.” What does that mean? In short, one common way to make money in stocks is by adopting a b