Investing in stocks can be rewarding when you research the issuing companies thoroughly. Gone are the days when information was inaccessible. With the advent of the internet, you have all the information you need about a company, like its revenue stream, products, financials, and other data, at your fingertips. Using this, you can analyse the desired stock in detail to assess whether it is a viable investment or not. In this article, we will read about the types of stock analysis and understand how to analyse stocks using crucial pointers. Types of stock analysis:- 1. Fundamental analysis:- This type of stock analysis evaluates the underlying company’s fundamentals – business segments, financials, management, past performance, peers, and so on. The fundamental analysis places importance on the stock’s intrinsic value and sectoral and broader economic conditions. Under the financials, a fundamental analyst looks at financial ratios and financial statements such as the profit and loss st...
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