Anyone who wants to become a profitable stock trader needs only spend a few minutes online to find such phrases as "plan your trade; trade your plan" and "keep your losses to a minimum." For new traders, these tidbits seem more like a distraction than actionable advice. The rules below work together for results that increase your odds of succeeding in the markets. KEY TAKEAWAYS:- Treat trading like a business, not a hobby or a job. Plan your strategies and stay educated. Set realistic expectations for your business. Practice trading with virtual money Find out what a hypothetical investment would be worth today. SELECT A STOCK TESLA TESLA INC AAPL APPLE INC NKE NIKE INC AMZN AMAZON.COM, INC WMT WALMART INC SELECT INVESTMENT AMOUNT $ SELECT A PURCHASE DATE 2 years ago 5 years ago ...
Hello guys, If you are intersted in Share-Market, Debentures, bonds and Crypto-currency. then, this blog is for you....